I’ve created a group…now what?
Once a sponsoring group has been formed, it must obtain the Refugee Sponsorship application package. The sponsor must complete the undertaking. The refugee must complete the Application for Permanent Residence. Both parts, with supporting documents, must be submitted to CPO-W at:
Centralized Processing Office – Winnipeg
269 Main Street, Suite 400 New
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 1B2
The sponsorship kit includes the program information and instructions on completing the following forms:
- the undertaking to sponsor;
- the settlement plan that outlines the settlement and financial arrangements in place to support the sponsored refugee;
- the financial assessment forms for G5s and CSs ; and
- the Document Checklist.
The Application for Permanent Residence kit includes:
- the Instruction Guide on how to complete the forms;
- the Application for Permanent Residence (Generic application form for Canada IMM 0008);
- the Additional Dependants/Declaration;
- the Schedule A–Background/Declaration;
- the Schedule 2–Refugees outside Canada;
- the Use of Representative form; and
- the Document Checklist.
Application Kit
Refugee applicants are required to complete all relevant application forms contained in the Application for Permanent Residence in Canada: Convention Refugees Abroad and Humanitarian-Protected Persons Abroad (IMM 6000 kit). The IMM 6000 includes the IMM 0008, Schedule A, Schedule 2 and the Authorization to Release Information forms. Applicants are also expected to gather all supporting documentation required for their application. (Refer to the Checklist in Appendix A of the IMM 6000.)
Only after a visa office has received an approved sponsorship undertaking and a complete Application for Permanent Residence form from CPO-W is an interview with the applicant arranged.
For sponsor-referred cases, there are two methods by which the sponsorship undertaking and the Application for Permanent Residence in Canada may be submitted to CPO-W for processing:
- The sponsoring groups send the IMM 6000 kit to the refugees they wish to sponsor. The refugee applicant completes the kit and returns it to the sponsor, along with supporting documents and photographs. The sponsor ensures that the forms have been completely filled and that no required information is missing, before submitting at the same time, the IMM 6000 forms, supporting documents, photographs and the sponsorship undertaking form to CPO-W.
- The sponsoring groups send the completed sponsorship undertaking form to the refugees overseas they wish to sponsor. The refugee applicants send the completed IMM 6000 kit, along with supporting documents and photographs, together with the sponsorship undertaking form to CPO-W.
The first submission method has the advantage of reducing the processing time overseas as well as providing sponsors with an opportunity to review the content and completeness of the refugee’s application before it is submitted.
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